Diseases and Conditions

Phenylketonuria (PKU)

Lifestyle and home remedies

Some strategies to help manage PKU may include the following.

Keep track and measure correctly

If you or your child is following a low-phenylalanine diet, you'll need to keep records of the food eaten every day to be sure you're sticking to the specific, individualized dietary guidelines recommended by your dietitian.

To be as accurate as possible, measure food portions using standard measuring cups and spoons and a kitchen scale that reads in grams. The food amounts are compared with a food list or are used to calculate the amount of phenylalanine eaten every day. Each meal and snack includes the appropriately divided portion of your daily PKU formula.

Food diaries or computer programs are available that list the amount of phenylalanine in baby foods, solid foods, PKU formulas, and common baking and cooking ingredients.

Buy low-protein products

To add variety to your diet, buy some of the many low-protein products, such as low-protein pasta, rice, flour and bread, which are available through specialty food retailers.

These products allow people with PKU to eat some meals that more closely resemble what everyone else is eating. Like the PKU formulas, these products can be expensive, but you might consider splurging on a few favorites with the money you save on dairy and meat products.

Be creative

Talk with your dietitian to find out how you can be creative with foods to help you stay on track. For example, use seasonings and a variety of cooking methods to transform lower phenylalanine vegetables into a whole menu of different dishes. Herbs and flavorings low in phenylalanine can pack a flavorful punch. Just remember to measure and count every ingredient and adjust recipes to your individualized diet.

If you have any other health conditions, you may also need to consider those when you plan your diet. Talk with your doctor or dietitian if you have any questions.